What Causes Stress?

We may think of stressful events as unpleasant ones, such as losing a job or having difficulties at home or at school. But changes for the better can also cause stress, like a new baby, a wedding, and a new house.

In an ideal world, maybe we could get away from stressful situations, or change them. Too often we can't do that - but we can learn to control our response to those situations. And we can develop techniques that will reduce the effects of stress on our mental and physical health.
Here are some different life events that are identified as stressful. They are rated on the "Holmes-Raye" scale, which scores them according to the stress they cause (the higher the number, the greater the stress).

Death of a spouse - 100 points
Divorce - 73 points
Marriage - 50 points
Pregnancy - 40 points
Buying a house - 31 points
Christmas - 12 points

And here are some jokes for the day!

Q: What has a mouth but no teeth?
A: A river.

Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of yarn?
She had mittens!

Once upon a time, long long ago, in a land far far away there lived a woman who was just too busy! She decided to make a clone of herself so she could get twice as much work done. Well, the clone helped her a lot, but it also gave her a bad reputation because the clone constantly swore. One day, the woman couldn't take her clone's foul mouth anymore, so she took it to the top of a building and pushed it off. Soon after, the woman was arrested for making an obscene clone fall.

Well, hoped you enjoyed it! =)

AND poeple! the long awaited video is released! Hope it will help you!

By Guiding Light Team :)

By Guiding Light Team


Will you be a victim of this?
well this may look really scary, even i freaked out!!! but this is what many teenagers are going through these days..this is all because of stress-peer pressure, family matters, low self-esteem and many more! God has given everyone a wonderful body and we must be grateful of that! We must not destroy it and harm ourselves too! CHECK OUT THESE PICTURES!!( they are real)

Guilding Light Team

stress leading to suicide?!
well so exams are coming and many of us will be encountering continuous tension and stress! i've heard many of my friends talking about suicide. so i want to explain to you guys what is this SUICIDE!

Start by considering this statement:

“Suicide is not chosen; it happens
when pain exceeds
resources for coping with pain.”

That’s all it’s about. You are NOT a bad person, or crazy, or weak, or flawed, because you feel suicidal. It doesn’t even mean that you really want to die - it only means that you have more pain than you can cope with right now. If I start piling weights on your shoulders, you will eventually collapse if I add enough weights... no matter how much you want to remain standing. Willpower has nothing to do with it. Of course you would cheer yourself up, if you could.

Don’t accept it if someone tells you, “that’s not enough to be suicidal about.” There are many kinds of pain that may lead to suicide. Whether or not the pain is bearable may differ from person to person. What might be bearable to someone else, may not be bearable to you. The point at which the pain becomes unbearable depends on what kinds of coping resources you have. Individuals vary greatly in their capacity to withstand pain.

When pain exceeds pain-coping resources, suicidal feelings are the result. Suicide is neither wrong nor right; it is not a defect of character; it is morally neutral. It is simply an imbalance of pain versus coping resources.

You can survive suicidal feelings if you do either of two things:

  • find a way to reduce your pain

  • find a way to increase your coping resources.

  • Maybe you can start off with speaking your mind out to someone whom you really trust-remember that the person must be trustworthy ans wise!


Guilding Light Team

How Does Stress Affect The Body?

To understand what stress does to us, imagine you lived tens of thousands of years ago, at a time when humans were threatened by hungry animals such as saber-toothed tigers and wolves. Our caveman ancestors had to be able to react instantly, either by fighting the beasts or simply, running away.

We, human beings, evolved having the ability to respond to a stressful situation instantly, by preparing the body for 'fight or flight.' Under sudden stress, you will get a burst of EXCEPTIONAL STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE, as your body pump out stress hormones:

  • Your heart speeds up

  • Blood flow to your brain and muscles increases up to 400%

  • Your digestion stops

  • Your muscle tension increases

  • You breathe faster, to bring more oxygen to your muscles

Sometimes, we can benefit from this 'fight or flight' response - like the case of a mother whose child was pinned under a concrete slab during a tornado. Under stress, she found the strength to lift the huge slab with her bare hands, even though it later took three men to move it.

But much of the time in modern life, the 'fight or flight' response wont help. Yet those stress hormones still flood your system, preparing you for physical action. And if you are under stress frequently, it can harm your physical health.

Guilding Light Team#


This is a stress chart! Understand yourself well and ask yourself questions. Let me guide you.
  • Am i feeling stress?
  • What is the reason i am feeling stress?
  • Who/What is causing it to happen to me?
  • How do i overcome it in a beneficial manner? ( start spending time properly. like adopting a hobby, a pen pal, speaking to your most trusted friends and family )
  • Who can i trust and ask help?

Now judge yourself. Where are you standing on the stress chart! now that you have understood yourself, START TAKING ACTION!!!!

Guilding Light Team

what kind of jobs?

Job-realted stress is extremely common. According to the Jobs Rated Almanac, the 5 most stressful jobs are:

  1. President of United States

  2. Firefighter

  3. Senior COrporate Executive

  4. Race car driver

  5. Taxi driver

The least 5 stressful jobs are:

  1. Medical records technician

  2. Janitor

  3. Forklift operator

  4. Musical Instrument repairer

  5. Florist

So start planning now! Think of your ambition and how to fullfil it. But always remeber to consider the amount of stress you might have. Can you manage it? Are you ready mentally and physically to do it? Motivate yourself and i am sure anything is possible! so friends, i challenge you to think about your ambition today. Do a small research about it and start working to achieve it!

Guiding Light Team

What is stress & its symptoms

YES, many of us often complain that we are feeling stressed! Well, let me tell you what stress is! Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our respond to pressure from the outside world.

The mental symptoms of stress:

  • Tension

  • Irritability

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Feeling excessively tired

  • Trouble sleeping

The physical symptoms of stress:

  • Headache

  • Fast heartbeat

  • Murmuring
  • Dry Mouth
  • Difficulity Breathing
  • Stomach Upset
  • Frequent Urination
  • Sweating Palms
  • Tight muscles that might cause pain or trembling

However, IT IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO LIVE WITHOUT STRESS!!! This problems that comes along your way actually gives life some excitement and add spice to your life. But, if it gets out of control, it may harm your health, relationships, and your enjoyment of life!

So friends, lets do this slowly. Let us take one step further. Treat all these tensions like a hurdle, an obstacle! Once you have completed it, i will promise you that you are going to be rewarded with a HUGE TROPHY!!!

~Guiding Light Team :) ~

Welcome to One and All :D
How do you view stress?
Is it something that makes you go absolutely insane?
Is it something that can make you cry 3 days 3 nights?
Is it something that is a path to your success?

Its impossible not to have stress, the only thing you can do is to learn how to cope and manage it. Not by ending your life or putting your life at risk. Not to mention about cutting your own wrist or take drugs and smoke your life away. However, these are the methods most teenagers result to. And because of that, we decided to focus on this topic and we are going to let you know about the other better ways to overcome your stress.

Last but not least, Welcome & please support us :)

-Guiding Light Team :D